May 17, 2006


Item: We told the in-laws about the potential move. Mom was very encouraging. She reminded us she came to the US with nothing and she 'has everything' now. They left this morning.

Item: I worked on my resume all day.

Item: My boss is already telling friends and clients I’m leaving.

Item: I’m glad I went to a tech friendly, large school for my Masters (RIT) since I might need a network to call. I love my quirky little undergrad school, but our mere 30 years worth of grads puts a serious damper on networking capability.

Item: Jrex's advisor is in Palo Alto as I write. I’m so mad at him. He’s screwed my husband by making him beat a dead research horse for two years ('surely all those fabulous results by your sloppy predecessor MUST be valid!') but now he gets to go and sit pretty while the rest of us scramble. I wish I could trust him to be there advocating for all his peons but I'm doubtful.

Item: Anyone know any fabulous design firms in the Palo Alto area I should contact? Know anyone at Adobe?

Item: Despite all the seeming probability, this whole deal could still crumble. Right? Right?!


Anonymous said...

Do you really want to work for a fabulous design firm?

As a newbie, you'd get the grunt work. You'd
probably be a cog in the machine, with years needed to work up to an exciting work load.

No, you need to find a small firm, like the one you're in now, but well-managed and on the way up.

Anonymous said...

I now repent of the opinion above.

There is a time to learn by doing it yourself, and a time to learn from the pros.

At this point you have enough skills to hold your own in a large office where you can rub shoulders with super pros. Your skills can jump ahead several light years by learning from them.

For example, I really appreciate the 7.5 years I spent with General Electric. Working with a big, super-pro firm gives you a vast sense of the possible.

Adobe may be a good fit for you. I recommend applying.