1. A very good time to claim leadership/camera owner status.

2. We had to take a glamour shot. Rather than go nuts with makeup, we decided to try for the wet tissue look. One woman told me of a trick she learned in Japan: breath on the lens to make a fuzzy shot. Great idea, but very hard to control the results!

3. We had to make a sculpture with the theme of Beauty from objects found on the ground.

4. Our dramatic rendition of Saul on the road to Damascus. In the story he’s been knocked off his horse and temporarily blinded by a bright white light.

5. Proof that God redeems ALL things. Women’s groups had to do the Spice Girls, men ‘N Sync. I worked three years in a group home for girls. One of them owned the Spice Girls video so I knew the names and appropriate looks for each member of the group. From the left: Scary Spice, Sporty Spice, Baby Spice, and Posh Spice.

When I told Jrex the story he shook his head. “I don’t know, hon. Redeeming the Spice Girls shows very poor taste on God’s part.”
1 comment:
You can tell J that I laughed out loud at his remark :)
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