July 26, 2006

5x5 Meme

Weigook Saram tagged me. She said I could modify it, so instead of five items in my freezer, car, closet and nightstand…

5 Projects to Finish
  • Thank you cards for people who helped me get to Ireland
  • Bookmark-thank-you-mementos (owed since New Years)
  • Little wooden boy I started carving over a year ago
  • Collage – based on common consent, I have to paint the wing
  • On-Line Portfolio so I can apply for design jobs

5 Items in the Closet
  • Me! Ha-ha. Just kidding. I do have a funny story about being the hot chick at a lesbian picnic, but that will have to wait…(You’ve been warned: don’t let your hairdresser cut your hair too short if you already have an androgynous face)
  • Three capes. Two opera capes owned by my mother. I’ll never wear them but can’t give them away. One that she made for me after we watched Ladyhawke.
  • One suede and fur coat. The collar and cuffs are rabbit fur. My mother-in-law loves me and she has great taste. When you’re a passionate PC teenager, don’t say ‘never’…
  • Evil bitch torture shoes. My affectionate name for the black stilettos I bought to wear for interviews and gala events.
  • His and Hers Hanboks. A wedding present from my husband’s aunt in Korea.

5 Items on the Nightstand
  • Evil Sudoku puzzles. Just started this week. Big mistake.
  • Bible. I like to pick a book and read through very slowly scribbling questions and notes all over the margins. I use an old study Bible whose commentary drove me crazy; that way I don’t mind defacing the whole thing.
  • Analog Alarm clock set 30 minutes fast. I’m too sleepy in the morning to calculate the right time, it makes me freak out and wake up.
  • Earplugs. My new addiction. I love the sensory depravation.
  • Cup full of pencils. To aid with items one and two.

5 Favorite Things
  • Free museums in DC.
  • Going to a movie alone. Total escapism.
  • Puttering around camp with my husband in the Adirondacks. The hard work is done. We make hot cocoa or tea and lean back and watch the stars. Then stay up all night scaring the bear away from our food bag. But that’s another story…
  • Playing in water: streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans.
  • Playing on rocks.

5 People I tag
Angie, Deirdre, Aimee, Harmless Drudge, and Lizard (if you want to or have time or energy for such things…). I would've tagged Snickollet or Linda, but one has newborn twins and the other just moved and is about to have a baby!


Snickollet said...

Ooh, golly, I hate earplugs! So many people love them and I totally get the creeps when I wear them. I fear that a freak will get in my house and sneak up on me while I'm wearing them. I'm also scared of the dark. We all have our quirks.

I think you will be amused to know that I, too, have a rabbit-fur trimmed coat courtesy of my Korean mother-in-law. And like you, I never thought I would wear something with real fur. But gosh darnit, the coat is gorgeous!

weigook saram said...

I like going to movies alone too.

It's sweet that you keep the capes. I have a lot of things I never use but keep around for sentimental reasons.

Thanks for doing the meme.

Anonymous said...

You should include pictures of you and Jrex's actual Hanboks. They were gorgeous. And the stunning bottom two layers aren't even visible!

scarp said...

I love Sudoku!
(Sorry - I'm tired and thats as much as I can come up with) :)

Angie said...

HA! I was just telling someone last week about the worst haircut I ever recieved! It was a "too short" cut, and I hated it because I have one of "those" looks that can't handle a "too short" cut!

Anonymous said...

Oh, alright. I swore I'd never do a meme, but just for you....

Fortunately, I've plumped up enough so as not to be mistaken for a 14-year-old boy when I have short hair. Unfortunately, my head is still really pointy, so short hair still does not look good on me.

Sudoku scares me. All those numbers. *shudder*

Pinterest Failures said...

earplugs are my new favorite thing! Especially in the car when my daughter screams.