March 24, 2006

Friday 7:25 PM Still at Work!

There will be no cheese here, my friends. I’m in a bad mood.

• I work at a small company owned by a married couple (BAD IDEA). If their marriage sucks, my work life sucks. My work life sucks. BossTwo is off with his Dad bonding or something. BossOne is barely here. I’m stuck at work because RyGuy and I are more invested in this company than our bosses. He’s coming in tomorrow; I’m staying late tonight.
• All this is for a stupid museum in town that always does crap at the last minute. As in calling last night to say they have 120 labels that HAVE to get done. The show opens tomorrow night. I would say ‘screw you’, but see point 1.
• I got an email yesterday inviting me to interview for a job I’m not qualified for. I was honest about that. Sigh. It was to be the full time web designer for a University Department. I can do web design, but I know nothing about database creation and management. Sigh.
• If Boss1 were invested in the company and Boss2 disappeared and figured out his purpose in life, all would be well. I could bring my dog to work, show up in jeans and baseball hats and design happily. But no.
• I’ve spent this whole week doing prepress, which is completely boring and could be done by anyone. Bored OTRgirl = bad, grumpy, self-absorbed twit.
• BossOne is a great networker, but (see point 4) she’s not networking, so I have nothing to work on.
• This whole office is disorganized chaos and I hate being here (except for my dog, who sleeps under whatever chair I move to sit in. I love her.)
• I feel surrounded by things and people that drain me (except for the mutt and most of the time my husband. Really, I’m not just saying that cause he gave me a card. Which I loved.)
• I’m eating my frustrations at work. Literally. I’ve tried to bond with my hector, but I hate it. But I’m pissed at life in general and the thought of wasting hours of my life going to tread on a stupid machine makes me even more pissed. I want an integrated life where exercise is built in. Where I meet a friend to go for a walk. Where I walk to lunch. Where I don’t grab snacks because there’s nothing else to do and if I can’t do something I’ll explode. I’m thinking a lot about weight and body image, but I’ll post about that later.

[We interrupt this broadcast for a public service announcement: Honey, if you read this before you come home, tonight would be a good one for V is for Vendetta. I know you prefer interaction to sitting next to someone for two hours in a theater. But tonight, that’s your better option.]

On the good side
• I think I finally found a hairdresser who gets me, and gets my (outrageously thin yet stubbornly wavy) hair.

1 comment:

scarp said...

Just wanted to express my sympathy on a bad day...

Also, speaking of feeling surrounded by those who drain you - ask me about my thought on that sometime...