July 17, 2007

Home sweet home

I’m having trouble distilling the events of this past weekend into a coherent post.

Don't ask...

First there was the United Airlines fiasco wherein our two hour layover stretched to six. By itself, a delay is no problem. However, they found mechanical issues in our plane, tried to fix it, then moved us all to a smaller plane. 14 people were bumped. They never asked for volunteers who were willing to wait for the next flight, just bumped people according to The List. Apparently The List was a malicious evil-mongerer who delighted in forcing a 9-year old, on her way to a worldwide conference specializing in her neurological disorder, from the plane. Without. Her. Parents. Who were in tears trying to get their girl onto the plane. We’re nice people. We volunteered to give up our seats. The List said, you can’t give up your seat to her, it only goes to the next person in line. The supervisor kept repeating that she couldn’t violate The List. They made us get on the plane. After another 15 minutes we saw the family of three all get on the plane. The mother and daughter happened to sit behind us. “What happened?” The mother was crying, “Seven people said they’d wait so we could get on this flight.”

All I can say is that when next you come to dinner at our house, don’t mention United. Jrex has turned into the anti-evangelist and will tell you the story in all it’s gory details. Are we so trapped by computers now that we can’t think for ourselves?!!

The Wedding
What can I say? On some level every wedding is unique of course, but really, as a story, they’re all the same. If you know that it’s right, the families are happy and nothing goes wrong, there’s really not much to say except that it was lovely. They were radiant, her Dad cried as he walked her up the aisle, the dress and flowers were beautiful and everyone had fun. I do love the fact that the church she’s part of consists of elders and pastors who hit the dance floor and boogie til the DJ has to leave.

The Fourth Bridesmaid
The main story I have to tell about the wedding involves The Fourth Bridesmaid, Ms. Sword. Now, Ms. Sword had a dilemma. Much as she wanted to be present for the wedding, she was also due to be in Africa for the summer. The Bride graciously let her go, but Ms. Sword wanted to be in both places at once. She conspired with me to make it happen. She arrived two weeks before the wedding encased in Styrofoam having survived a flight from China. I decided to have her join us as we got dressed for the wedding. She was already dressed and her hair was done, so it made sense that she come out then. I presented her to The Bride, who squealed in delight. We took pictures of the two of them together, of Ms. Sword sampling the snack food and then when we went out front to take the group photos, she joined us. At the wedding we decided to have her wait at the head table during the ceremony. When it came time for the reception, Ms. Sword went wild! She got some drinks at the bar, had an ‘incident’ in the bathroom—to much liquor for her--and hit the dance floor for some fun. The Bride’s father asked to borrow her to show her off to all the older relatives. She’s a social girl and she certainly made the rounds. People kept assuming that we bridesmaids had come up with how to have Ms. Sword at the wedding, but the credit and creativity are all hers:

In case you're wondering, you can order these on-line. You send in a photo and they make a Bobble-head with your face and hair. You pick from over 100 bodies, and they happened to have a dress that matched the style and color of the bridesmaids' dresses. The flower was taped to her for the wedding.


scarp said...

Clever write-up on the special bridesmaid appearance - I had to go back and re-read it all once I realized what you were actually saying. Of course, I did read it at 11pm or so the first time ;)

I'm sorry we weren't able to connect too - unbelievable timing that I'd be away the whole time you were here. And did you realize the Corn Hill Festival was that weekend? I went Sunday with Pete, and made him listen to me give a little history on how I first started going and the tradition I had with Jrex, and then you too. I've still gone every year since you guys moved away, but this was probably my last time for a long time.

I'm really missing you 2, tho. If I can come up with the money (see my latest post), coming to see you before I leave is on the top of my list.

Anonymous said...

Glad the event went well, and all I can say about UNITED is the same!!!

GO JREX, keep up the rant it's good for the masses to hear it! I love to hear that the good in human nature comes shining through, I commend you and the other 7 who were willing to give up their seats, I've been that parent hoping for a fix for their child, I was just fortunate enough to not have to fly to for it...good deeds make me smile so.

I agree on weddings, glad it was fun though and Ms. Sword is hilarious!

Rachel said...

I've heard a lot of horrible air travel stories lately, but that's one of the worst. But it does sort of restore my faith in human nature to know that so many people volunteered to give up their seats.

Anonymous said...

Your United Airlines experience -- ghastly. And stupid. If United succeeded in separating parents from a nine year old daughter with disabilities, United would have -- and should have -- been badly burned in a major lawsuit.

Have Jrex do something really productive with his spleen. Write a letter to the President of United Airlines. You can get his name and address with a phone call to the Business & Industry section of your Public Library.

I agree with your readers about the nine passengers who were ready to give up their seats -- now that's an inspiring story.

However, I think your legion of readers has not shown appropriate sympathy for your sad plight. Unemployed for ten days. Four days for the wedding, and now you're in the midst of six days with nothing to occupy your time. What a sad story.

Anonymous said...

Dad, you make me laugh. Don't forget that two weeks after she starts she then leaves for a week's vacation. Well, if you can count helping me out as a vacation.

I agree about writing United. Separating families, regardless of ability, is just plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. I think I will do my part and, although United Air had the cheapest tickets to Korea, NOT fly United Air. How much of a drone do you have to be to feel the need to "stick to the program at all cost"? Not impressed. However, impressed that you and others offered to give up your seats for them.
Ms. Sword is too funny... and clever. Hmmm, gives me an idea - I could get a bobble-head made and send IT to all events (work meetings, painful in-law functions)...