November 4, 2007

Silence can feel like a warm cozy blanket

On Saturday, I joined 18 other people from my church for a silent retreat. It was great to have some time alone with the Lord to reflect on where I've been and where he wants me to be. I'm not ready to talk about the details since I find that if I talk about stuff I'm supposed to act on, I end up just talking and not doing. So, I'm going to try to do first and talk later.

If a picture is worth a thousand words though, maybe you can figure out my weekend from the following pictures (some of them were just cause things were pretty, some are significant.)


Rachel said...

Were you at Muir Woods? Gorgeous photos. A weekend of silence sounds perfect.

scarp said...

Looking forward to hearing, eventually, what you heard from the Lord. I'm glad you did hear, and that you were able to take that day away with Him...