November 27, 2007

Das Leben ist gut

Copying Rachel...

I'm thankful for a wonderful and varied Thanksgiving week:

-For a job that decided to give us Friday as a holiday without using up a PTO day.

-For wonderful Pakistani food (though the wait to order truly made it feel like we were in another country...).

-For the chance to finally see Into the Wild. A movie that truly makes you feel thankful for life, warmth and a good family.

-For the chance to see Jrex's cousins and uncle in San Francisco Friday night. I'm thankful that I spent $60 on three kids books (Extreme Dinosaurs and How Many racked up the cost) since they turned around and gave me a Dior purse.

-I'm very thankful that Jrex's cousin owns a GREAT Korean restaurant just north of Golden Gate park. As I told Jrex, of all the 'typical' immigrant business to own, I'm very glad to have a restaurant in the family instead of a dry cleaner or a store.

-For the chance to hang out with one of my close friends for the weekend. And for her dog-walking abilities when we abandoned her both Friday night and all day Saturday.

-For access to an Urgent Care center and the news that instead of gall stones or kidney stones, it was just severe constipation.

-For the chance to bike into the Presidio and picnic on the beach under the Golden Gate bridge with another couple. For so many great friends after such a short time here. For both on-line and real-life community.


Rachel said...

Hey, I think we may have been to that Korean restaurant. I like your list, and I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving holiday.

Mama Nabi said...

Das Leben sure ist gut... okay, except having to go to Urgent Care... but at least there was one. Flax is, like, the best cure for um... fiberlessness.

Man, I wish I knew someone who owned a Korean restaurant...

Wistful one said...

I recommend Metamucil fiber wafers -- yummy and helpful :)

I miss you. Glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving.

OTRgirl said...

By the way, the 'fiberlessness' had set in BEFORE the Korean restaurant. So, no corelation.