March 5, 2014

Crazier and Crazier

The work drama! Holy camoly.

  • Had second interview yesterday with a family-run company. Very salt of the earth, with an interesting chance to help them build their brand for a new generation. Should hear back end of day or tomorrow. Right now my prayer is that if it's NOT what I should be doing, that the door would close. I'm kind of scared they might make me an offer! It's just so different than everything I've been doing that I'm scared it might take me off the career path. That said, would that be a bad thing?
  • Just spoke with our Global Head of Creat1ve about shifting from full-time to contract. He basically told me he'd love to steal me and sign me up for a one-year contract. I'm supposed to get him the numbers and make a proposal. I asked about titles and he said I could call myself whatever I want, but right now, he's looking for an Assoc1ate Creat1ve Director (which essentially means someone who's still willing to touch a keyboard). So, I could potentially double my salary, but the work he has for me is all in New Business Development and MarCom. Do I want that?
  • My co-conspirator is going to tell them today that he doesn't want to stay. They don't know that yet, but I do. He has an offer in-hand from another company and he's in conversation with the company headquartered here in Dallas. The same one that Go Go Woman has been talking with me about. He told me to call them because the San Fran branch might be willing to have me working for out of the Dallas office. So that might turn into a full-time offer. The issue there might messing up the slow train with Go Go and Chicago. However, that train is so slow that I've really stopped waiting for it! My buddy would LOVE to have us move together and keep working together.
  • I want to freelance so I get in the door with local agencies. It sounds like I could stay so busy that it would never happen! That's a fantastic problem to have, but doesn't help with getting connected with people on a local level.
So, total change to a new career path?

Same company, different role, lots more money, same stress?

New company, same functions, same stress? 

Sheesh. I'm off to do some math... Please chime in with any thoughts. I suspect that no one is particularly interested in all this except my Dad, but if any of you are still checking in, I need the sounding board!


scarp said...

Just thought I'd let you know I am still checking in, I do care, and I will pray for you. Unfortunately, I have no advice for you. I'm so completely happy being a SAHM that the whole career path thing is a pretty foreign concept for me. I would just tell you to stay home for ten or fifteen years and enjoy your son... But I don't think that is what you're looking for ;)

Leadings said...

An observation: You've been told that you're too intense for laid-back Texas. But, you weren't too intense for the family-run business execs. Why not?
Because they're real entrepreneurs. They're intense, even if they are real Texans, because they really care about their business. They show that by organizing their system so they get custom orders out the door in 24 hours or less. They're ready to be world competitors--and that takes intensity. You might discover a lot of joy working there--but I can't recommend it. You too might end up being a millionaire.