March 22, 2013

Upon further reflection

I'm getting a little annoyed about my review. I love all the kind things they said. However, I thought I'd be getting tangible steps to take towards a promotion. My GM made it seem like it was almost a done deal when we talked in January. Now this VP of Creat1ve, who is just starting to know me, is making me prove myself all over again. PLUS, now I have to do that with the new Creative D1rector they just hired.

I'm grateful for the good from the review, but it feels like I could see the next step and all of a sudden it grew into a mountain.

It also seems like a great way to make me invest more blood, sweat and tears into this company. Hmph.

Which is why, when they asked if I'd come for the latest pitch rehearsal on Monday, I said, "Sure!"


Leadings said...
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Leadings said...
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Leadings said...

You've been annoyed long enough. What else is happening? For example, what's your post-op report?