Brex was sick this weekend starting with a low appetite Friday night and a fever Saturday morning. He seems to be better today, but we're both working from home to given him time to recover. Jrex can't leave me alone with Brex since I can't lift the baby into his high chair, or into my lap for story time, or up the stairs, or into the bathtub, or onto the changing table. The problem is that after a week of me not being able to do what I normally do with him, Brex is OVER it. He wants me and only me, is getting frustrated by the situation, and therefore taking it out on his Dad. Any time Jrex approaches Brex, Brex waves his arms in a 'get away!' motion and then reaches his pudgy arms towards me with tears streaming down his face. It's really sad. Since I feel 'normal', it's easy to want to just pick him up. I'm realizing this is what I caved into the last two go-rounds. Not that Brex was as opinionated then, but I'm so used to being independent, that having to call for help all the time feels humiliating and frustrating. This time I'm really trying to be good.
I may have done a foolish thing this weekend. As I've mentioned, thus far, the only TV that Brex has seen has been sports when Jrex is watching on the weekend or a fun kid show to mesmerize him so I can trim his fingernails. Well, with a little sick kid, a sore belly and a husband stressed out by all the work he needed to do, I turned to Shaun. Friends from daycare have mentioned the show before and I decided to see if Brex would like it. Well... I'd say 'like' is a small, tiny, fragile word for what he felt.
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On the other hand, not only did he get all twenty nails clipped, he got a haircut, too!
Haha! Welcome to the world of fictional character love. If Shaun starts getting on your nerves despite his cuteness, we love Boz the Big Green Bear over here. Truth be told, Boz is the reason my child finally decided to try my homemade pizza. Pizza is a terrible food for a kid who must have his ingredients separate most of the time. But Boz's episode of making it has saved dinner for us on a few occasions.
Our newest fascination is Mr. Rogers. Now the task is to track down some dvd's to help us avoid YouTube.
I may have to try the movie idea for haircuts. That sounds like it would work a lot better than the bribing and begging I am prone to do when Grasshopper gets shaggy.
I hope the rest of your recovery flies by and works!
Lesson one: Do what you've got to do to save yourself.
It's like putting your mask on first so you can take care of those who can't do for themselves.
Let go of guilt and heeeeeal!
Seriously, I hope your recovery goes by quickly and without incident.
I agree on all the above, as mom's we stress ourselves with worry and guilt so often it's nuts...some Shaun won't ruin him and if it's helping you heal to get back to your usual 'mommy' duties well I say go for it!
I hope you can get the rest you need to recover. Nothing wrong with a little TV, especially when both of you are under the weather. Do what you need to do. The baby will be fine.
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