Sunday afternoon chatted with OTRsis about what design companies like to see in portfolios. Applied via to a fun-sounding job in San Francisco.
Monday drove to Oakland to check commute during rush hour. Doable. Went to two art stores to view portfolios. Realized I would have to pay $60 to $120 for a generic portfolio. Remembered I know how to make books. Said, "Screw that!" Returned to my side of the Bay. Shopped for materials. Went home and sketched and concepted for two hours. Went to sleep.
Tuesday woke up excited to start project. Checked Craig's list for printers since I'd need a 13x19 inch printer to produce portfolio pages. Made appointment for Wednesday evening to see a printer. Got off phone. Which promptly rang. Fun-sounding job, "Do you have time to meet with the owner today, he'll be down in Palo Alto this evening" Me, panicked but smooth, "I'd much rather see the office, does he have time tomorrow, or Thursday?" Time set for 2:30 pm. Cancelled appointment with printer guy, ran all over town to buy a printer. Found out that Staples has a 14-day return policy even if I use the printer. Perfect, since it's bigger than we need for a regular printer. Just need to do portfolio. Ran back to art store for a couple additional items. Came home and finished concept. Completed book cover and placed it under 15 pounds of books on kitchen table to dry it flat. Was glad for too many books. Worked on layout, dug up files to print. Stayed up til 4:30 am.

Wednesday woke up at 6:30. Started printing pages. Jrex worked from home in the morning so I wouldn't have to waste time driving to and fro. (Love him!!) Finished installing final page at 12:30. Washed hair and face, got dressed. Made Jrex drive to his office with me riding shotgun with the makeup drawer in my lap. (Faster to just take whole drawer). Completed makeup, dropped him off, tore up 280 and arrived to appointment five minutes early. The interview goes well. After chatting a while the owner passes me to one of the account managers. Who asks how I am with tight deadlines. He's holding my portfolio as he asks. I laugh, "Well, I went from concept to completion on that in less than 24 hours."

I respond well to deadlines. No deadline, no work. Deadline, I make it happen.
Your portfolio looks beautiful and PERFECT for you!
Ok. that's hysterical and so you! Well done, though :) I'm impressed that you followed through with wanting to make it and didn't just cave in to go buy one when pressured with the time.
That's awesome. Hope you get the job. I will send good vibes your way.
No deadline, no work.
Man, that sounds so much like another creative type I live with. I mean, know.
You are an inspiration. The next time I am feeling sorry for myself and just want to go to bed, I'm heading to Staples for a fancy-pants printer instead.
Good luck! Prayers that, even if this isn't the job, it helps ease your transition!
I am impossible without deadlines too.
Good luck on the job!
Blessings on getting the job.
And even if you don't, you're
prepped for the next interviews.
You're an inspiration, and
you're in our prayers.
Do you do freelance stuff too? Just wondering.....
Thanks for all your kind words! Haven't heard anything yet.
k: There's a reason your Jrex feels like my little brother...
inkling: At the moment, I'm very open to freelance work, once I get a job it's less doable (I've realized that I overpromise and underdeliver like crazy when I'm already staring at a computer 40 hours a week.)
Oof, I'm so behind on commenting!
Your portfolio looks awesome. What a story! I'm sure you blew them away. Do you think you want to work at this place? When do you think you'll hear from them?
I absolutely love that you took the whole makeup drawer with you in the car.
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