January 29, 2014

The status

I had a strong sense that I should take a break from the job hunt between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was good to focus on my family. Between December 21 and January 6th, I think I only had to turn on the computer twice. It was AWESOME.

Since starting work again, I've been immersed in a branding exercise for one of our big clients. It's mostly over at this point (phew!), so I'm starting to apply again for jobs. Let's just say things are hopping!

  • I aced a phone interview yesterday and heard back the same day that they want me to come in for a face-to-face interview. This is for a Christian agency. I'm nervous about stepping off the career trajectory, but it's a really interesting opportunity to build a department from the ground up in a supportive environment. The X-factor is if it would stay interesting enough once we finish the brand refresh and get the team built. As much as I complain about work, I'm an adrenaline junky and enjoy a fast pace.
  • I met with a woman at a placement agency who works with a massive tech company here in Dallas. They do all their own branding, events, and video work in-house and could use someone with my skill set. She emailed today that they asked her to send my info over.
  • I emailed Chicago woman that I'm interviewing. She wrote back right away to ask if I could wait for next week. She has meetings set up to find out if she can grow her team or not. I said that seemed fine.
  • In February Go Go Woman is coming to town for meetings (unrelated to me). We've made plans to go out for breakfast. It's more of a friends hanging out event vs a job talk. Depending how things go with the Christian company, she'd actually be a good person to weigh in on the career vs life balance choice.
  • I also submitted an application for a local company that wants an Art Director. I doubt they'll call me, but I hope they will (I'm overqualified/expensive). Their call for applications was hysterical and fits my personality.
I'm excited that things are moving again!

Of course, there are other life events happening, but they are mostly of the Ordinary Splendor variety:

  • Brex often stands in front of me and commands, "Make a lap!" I have him say please and then sit cross-legged on the floor. He cuddles in with whatever the book du jour is and we read and then devolve into tickling games.
  • I visited the neighborhood elementary school when they did an Open House. They have an amazing program that includes dance, orchestra, drama, etc. However, it does look like the kids are doing the same thing at the same time. If we've learned one thing about Brex, he is both intelligent and methodical. If he gets absorbed in something, you can't rush him. We're thinking Montessori would be a better fit so that he can go fast or slow as needed. It's a ways off, but I like to think about it.
  • Looks like Mom K is going to be moving to Big D!!! We thought she would just go to LA, but Jrex's sister asked if we'd think about her spending half the year here (in an apartment, NOT in our house). I'm actually getting excited about the idea. I have this picture of her living within walking distance of Brex's school and picking him up and being his after school care. Not sure if that will really happen, but I like the picture of them getting time to really know each other. We'd likely be her health home base (i.e. one of us would go to her doctor's appointments with her) since SIL is juggling a husband on disability who can't drive and a daughter in private school who needs a ride to/from school.
 I can't promise to be better about blogging, but I'll try! (also, I need new blog buddies. It feels like all the ordinary people just use FB instead of blogging and the only blogs are semi-professional. Is that just in my head?)


Lil'Sis said...

loved reading your update thanks for all of that -- the job stuff is exciting and the personal stuff was great to hear - I agree he sounds like Montessori would be a good fit - but I have always been surprised by my three kids and what ended up working for them too - that you approach things with an open mind is such an asset.
I don't blog or FB anymore - it's a job thing, so i just catch up on the few that I've followed for years. So glad you're well and things are happy all around in big D as you call it!

scarp said...

I always like reading your blog posts... It's a whole different and more intimate perspective than FB. However, since I've pretty much abandoned my blog, I'm not sure I can encourage you to keep it up...

Mizasiwa said...

Will msg u my loOooong comment that google ate :-( missed u - glad u updated holding thumbs

Leadings said...

Do you realize that your Mother faced the same career issue that you have? As Registrar at the Union Institute, she was making a good salary, but the President was a bozo and her work--getting student and alumni transcripts updated--was unsatisfying. (Note: The Union Institute students themselves had to write their own transcripts, of what they'd learned in each course. Transcripts usually were 15 pages.)

So, she had the opportunity to go to work as a chaplain with the Lutheran Federation at General Hospital, with a 1/4 cut in pay.

We prayed hard about that decision. At the time, my monthly income was uncertain, and never large.

She opted for the chaplaincy work and never regretted her decision. She was doing the work for which she was called and trained.

We survived financially.

People used to ask me, "Does she like her work?" And my standard reply was "wrong question." Dealing with death and major injuries is not something you like, but she did find it satisfying.

mebel jepara said...
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Mebel jati said...

Nice story,giving me more inspiration.Thanks.
Mebel jepara