December 1, 2012

Since I'm a bear of little brain...

I can't figure out how to write the deep stuff, so here are the latest tid bits.

I finally understand my sister. Before having a kid, I didn't get her relentless need to go watch TV shows after the kids went to bed. Now, after putting Brex to bed, I barely want to talk to Jrex. Many nights I go to bed early just to read something mindless. I'm now forcing myself to read something that involves my emotions (G-dog and the Homeboys) and it's good, but it just makes me tired. I totally understand the need to just shut down for a while.

Brex is walking with confidence now. He's started to carry things (and look at us to make sure we're noticing his prowess). Just two days ago, he started to walk with his hands clasped behind his back. Jrex's Dad used to walk that way (he's NOT the guy in the photo), so it's really cute to see it.
Old Asian Man Walking

I think I've found a church. When Dad was here we visited City Church International. It's an urban church that has a heart for the city. They also really invest in each other and seem to have a vibrant, diverse community. Each Sunday service also starts with a segment of worship songs. That time helps me still myself long enough to hear God speaking. When that's not part of a church service, I feel inundated with words without getting time to let things hit on a  personal level. I went to the membership class today and will go to the next class next week. It's taken a year and a half here in the buckle of the Bible Belt to find a church. I wanted some liturgy. Creaking pews a bonus, but with vibrant worship. An urban focus. A respect for the mind while feeding the spirit. Not divided along racial or economic lines. Being able to raise my hands and dance a bit. Solid small groups. Picky, picky, huh?

We're beginning the round of Christmas parties tonight. First we join a Korean prof who's invited all the Korean faculty in the Oncology department with their families to come for dinner. It starts at 6:30 so we can only stay until 8 before Brex starts to get manic (his sign that he needs to go to sleep). The we drop him off at home, the babysitter comes over and we run out the door to another event. Good times!

Of course, just because it's December doesn't mean it feels like it. We've invited friends over for dinner on the deck tomorrow night. Because it is STILL warm enough to sit outside at night without a jacket. I'm certainly not whining, but I do like at least a LITTLE winter...

I made an Advent calendar! One of my friends here was looking for ways to make the Christmas season more meaningful for her son. I mentioned the Advent calendar my Mom made and she loved the idea. We spent last Saturday from 10 AM to 6:30 PM juggling Brex and making Advent symbols. Pics to come.

 What are some of your favorite Advent, Christmas or Hanukkah traditions?


Rachel said...

I'm glad you found a church that's a good fit for you. We don't have any special advent traditions, but I'm trying to keep it low-key and focused on the non-commercial aspects of the Christmas season. (Singing, giving to charity, etc.)

Leadings said...

You shouldn't wish for winter in Dallas. When a blue norther hits, people will freeze to death way down into Mexico.

Mizasiwa said...

Iv been trying to comment on your previouse post but can't find the. Words - just know that you are not alone and I am looking forward to hearing ur thoughts. Growing up we always put the tree up on the first day of December holidays - we did a christmas Braai (bbq) on the day including the obligatory watermelon cooled by the pool water. Now that my sons birthday is so close to christmas iv been delaying the decorating but as kids will do - he has asked if we can put the tree up sooner - that he doesn't mind so on saturday we will put our tree up and when we get to his 'granny by the sea' on the 16th we will put there tree up too. Other traditions include baking biscuits and making jams (fig and peach - from the trees in our garden) for gifts doing the annual jumble sale to get rid of stuff we no longer want or need and trying not to kill one another - ud think the open air and heat would not make the holidays difficult with family but it does ;-)