July 25, 2012

Percolating and Cookin!

Behind all the ordinary splendors, I've been thinking about big picture vs. small picture. I haven't had time to sit and write it out, but the whole tragedy in Colorado brings up a lot of stuff. I'm hoping to write something cohesive soon.

In the meantime, looks like my summer will be insane. The Big Annual Conference is in mid-September, so most of my co-workers are buried in that. They'd thought to keep me out of it so I could work on RFPs or emergency client work as needed. However, one of our freelancers flaked out and so I'm back on the Gala. This would be fine except the creative director, while someone I love as a person, in work mode I call The Eye of Sauron. As in, "It's passing by, hide or he might notice you moving! DUCK NOW!" He is Mr. Intensity and expects the same of all who work with him. As of yesterday, I'm revising the three initial concepts while generating two wholly new ones. Both new concepts are a bit vague and (I think) a bit cheesy. That's all due by day's end today. Then I jump right into an RFP that's due on Tuesday. I told them I will NOT work on this over the weekend.

Saturday is my birthday. We're planning to go to Ft. Worth to expose Brex to the paintings of Lucien Freud (literally. He does a lot of life-size nude portraits). Jrex is looking for a place where we could do a fun lunch with the baby. Then we'll grab take out for dinner, have a sitter come in and go catch a movie. Either the Avengers at the dollar theater or Dark Knight.

Last night was the open house at Brex's new day care. Jrex met us there. Brex happily scooted around looking at new toys while they gave us the overview. Overall I'm happy with what we saw. The only down side is that they don't support cloth diapers. The thought of us contributing a mountain of filth to a local landfill makes me ill. The dilemma is whether to keep the diaper service. Maybe I'll buy some cloth diapers so we can use those on weekends? Sigh... I just don't know. The other down side is that we have to label all his clothes, hats, bottles, etc. Looks like a fun Sunday afternoon (we also have to install the car seat)!

The next dilemma is that they need a "PTA" person for the classroom. I'm thinking about volunteering. It sounds like a role where I forward emails to the other parents, create social opportunities (fun!) and attend a once-a-month PTA meeting. Since I miss seeing people, that might be good. Also, if I do want to do freelance, networking opportunities are usually a good idea. Downside is adding anything else to my to-do list. On the upside, the other parents look like an interesting crew. There's another Caucasian/Asian couple, a Chinese family, a couple we're already friends with, an African couple, an Eastern European family and two Caucasian families. Brex and the African girl are both 10-months old and one of the other boys is a big 9-month old, so he won't be the oldest. After him being the ethnic representative in the local day care, it's fun to have an international posse for him to be with for the next few years.

Again, I'm sorry I don't have the time/energy to go deep. I'm heart sick, humbled, weirdly hopeful and tired all at once. Hope you are all doing well.


NGS said...

The environmental difference between cloth and disposable diapers is pretty negligible. Either you're wasting resources of water and adding detergents by washing the cloth (not to mention the fabric, velcro, snaps, whatever) OR you're using the plastics in the disposables. Honestly, you're just picking your poison. So, hopefully that makes you feel betters!

P.S. Where is the obligatory picture of the baby? He's cute - his demanding fans demand more Brex!

Anonymous said...

OK there are so many pregnant women around me lately - when I first read the title 'percolating and cookin" I thought you were going to announce that you were pregnant. Then I cam to my senses :) I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!


Rachel said...

Happy Birthday! Oy, the PTA begins already. I'm not Room Mom material, but it does sound like a good way to connect with people.

I think it's great that his preschool is so diverse. It sounds like a good place, except for the diapers.

Have fun on the trip.

Unknown said...

What you mean they don't support cloth diapers? Get the policy changed.

Good to hear that Brex is going international -- like his cousins.

This Google+ is a horror. How do I get out of it?