At the airport, I saw him waiting at the curb with a big grin when he saw us pulling up. In the back seat, she froze like a pointer dog on a hunt. "Is it? Could it be?" YES! The wiggle waggle shook the car. I got out to open the back while the two of them reunited through the car window. When it was my turn, I didn't wag quite as much on the outside, but I was just as happy.
He's already claiming his man kitchen. Veggie egg scramble and buckwheat pancakes for brunch. I think my quality of life is about to improve a hundred-fold! Or at least the quality of what I eat.
As promised, he gets this week mostly off from social obligations, but I'm lining them up for the week after. I ran into our neighbor in the grocery store and got her phone number (she doesn't know it yet, but I'm grooming her for my 'adopt-a-grandma' project), another neighbor is going to come over to look at our dysfunctional garage door tomorrow, so we'll likely invite him for dinner, and then we have the couple with the two young kids to invite. Also on the docket are the two couples we knew before moving here.
Let the games begin! (or at least the home fires on our awesome cooktop stove)

Yay!! im so glad your family is reunited after this 'short' break. - I had no idea that is what Muttola looked like!
Happiness is a warm puppy. Did someone say that already? How 'bout Happiness is a husband with his feet up... in the same city, in the same house!
I LOVE this post. Thanks for making me grin. =)
I'm pleased to see the photos too. I love having a peek into your real world versus the one I imagine for you.
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