Easy Money. Jrex and I have very, very deep differences in how we spend money, but also in how we track it. We solved many of our fights by separating our accounts a bit. I now control my own mini-empire (tithes, my spending, haircuts and train) while he's in charge of our main account (since he saves and I spend, that seemed the wisest course of action). In my little world, I was writing down how much I spent in a tiny notebook that I tucked into my wallet (in his world it's an intense Excel spreadsheet that makes my eyes glaze over; it impresses our mathy friends though!). Of course, I never added up my scribbles and when I did, it was just to discover that I was broke (or worse). Enter a phone app that does the math for me. It's not uber-sophisticated, but it's perfect for my needs.
Retro Camera: This app gives me five old-school "cameras" that let me take pictures like these...

Our funny little mutt likes to have a vegetarian course during her walks. This is one of her favorite weeds which she proceeds to strip down to the stem.

Google Sky: Allows me to use my phone to identify the stars that are above me (uses GPS data to give me exact sky configuration depending on day of year and location).
Urban Spoon: Because it's fun to be able to shake my phone and get a slot machine 'answer' to the question, "Where do we want to go eat?"
And of course, because I AM a geek, Angry Birds. The pigs have stolen the eggs, now we will waste countless hours of our lives (Jrex likes it, too) lobbing birds via slingshots. Sounds simple, but it's evil and addictive.
Any apps I'm missing? What's your favorite phone time waster?
My husband recently got the xperia with the new android something something. he got this awsome ninja fruit war thing that i love although he is OBSESSED with the angry birds! I have on several occassions since he got it had to tell him to put the dam thing down when we are in company! he is driving me nuts!! But the games are fun when i can wresle it away from him. I have to tell him tonight that i droped my joe blog standard nokia in the toilet this morning!! im so mad i could cry!!
You'al live on a different planet.
I realized that completely a couple of weeks ago. I was at the office where OTRsis works. She was on the phone. I needed to make a phone call. I wandered around the complex looking for a phone book. Couldn't find one. Of course, it was an office full of geeks. They hadn't had a phone book in years.
I use Pandora a lot when I'm out walking. I've discovered some singers I wouldn't have known about otherwise.
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