I'm kinda wishing we could take it back! Someone showed me a catalog today from ThinkGeek.com. I know it's still tchotchke, but it's funny and clever.
Can't you see me wearing this shirt while standing next to Jrex?

This one isn't junk at all. It's a magnetic LED tool that helps you pick up the stuff you dropped down the drain, or wherever.

This clock might even remind me of some of the rudiments of math. Or just make me later than usual.

I guess I can pretend that Jrex is the geek in the family, but I'm not that far behind! He just KNOWS more of the 'usual' geek things (math, computers, coding). At our supper club over the weekend, the guys started swapping 'remember when' computer stuff like "Remember using punch cards for 'memory'?". I don't go that far back, but I do remember programming new game levels for our Lode Runner game on our Apple IIe.
All I can say is, whenever we have a house again? Be afraid, be very afraid.
Or, as they say at Think Geek:
"Come to the dark side;
we have cookies.
OMG i LOVE that clock and want it now!
I can't believe I knew something before you did, because you're so hip/cool/familiar with all the new fads. Or at least you seemt that way to me. :-)
Hubs has gotten many Christmas and birthday gifts from ThinkGeek.com. I've thought about getting that t-shirt, too. We're roughly the same... he's the techie/math geek and I'm not that far behind, but my geekness is rooted in other areas. lol.
I too have a Geek story.
My third year in law school, I moonlighted with the Sociology Department. Some prof was doing a study on children's behavior in six cultures. I forget what they all were, but I do remember thinking that the kids in the Philippines seemed to be the nicest.
Anyway, I was the data compiler. I had to run endless stacks of Hollerith cards. (What lowbrows called "IBM cards".) The work was done on an IBM card sorter. Occasionally, the cards would jam and be crumpled up, and then I had to reproduce them. This was archeological work -- agonizingly detailed and time consuming.
But, my mentor, a college junior, had prepared me. At my orientation session, he said, "Now, I'm going to tell you something that's true, but you may find it hard to believe. Unless you love this machine, it will chew up your cards."
And it was true.
That's how I was introduced to animism at Harvard.
LOVE! I'm not a geek, but I do have a few geeks in my life. Thanks for sharing the link. :-)
Hee! I love that T-shirt. :)
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