My supervisor received the news very graciously. In fact, she and the whole team are taking me out to a farewell lunch. She asked how I wanted to announce it; I decided to visit people individually. Which meant I had to laugh at myself over and over. I still can't say, "I'll be senior designer for a gaming company" without laughing. This was NEVER on my life/career/design checklist. Can you see me at a gaming convention!? It sounds like my new creative director had no background in games, nor did the senior designer I'm replacing. Apparently I'll have to do 'research' at work. Yup. That's right. I'll be paid to play games. AND, if I wanted to go crazy and buy any gaming systems? It would be a tax write-off.
Congratulations on the new job, and on the pleasant acceptance of it by the peeps!!
Congratulations! Sounds like a fun job. You will get to be a spy in a whole new world, the world of gaming.
I'm giggling maniacally over here. This seems like a logical step after all the rock climbing....
Congrats! What a whirlwind.
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