BossOne fired her husband today! She used the line, “you’re not happy here and I want you to be happy", but when she told me about it she whispered, “I just fired BossTwo!” BossOne is terrified of conflict so it was really brave of her to tell BossTwo he shouldn’t be here anymore. On a purely selfish level I'm excited that BossOne may reinvest in this job. She's been withdrawn the past 4-5 months and work is fading away. She's an amazing networker, great with people, and fun to be around. But lately she's been a bitter shadow.
BossTwo is depressed and often angry. He needs to figure out what to do with his life but has no ideas. He’s in his 40’s and doesn’t have many job skills. He trained as an engineer but hated it, he wanted to be an architect but Daddy discouraged it, so he ended up being the billing department for his wife’s company. Yet he hasn’t been good even at that; I constantly field calls from bill collectors knowing he won’t call them back. Not fun. It’s sad to think that none of us will miss having him here. I like him a lot as a person, but as a boss he’s moody and inconsistent. He’s a great dad, a marathon runner, biker, cook, renovator and host. My real hope is for this to save their marriage, and ultimately lead him towards his purpose in life.
In the meantime, BossOne is looking at buying a new printer. Not a little desktop printer, a 44-inch wide Canon inkjet for large format digital printing. $4000. It would simplify production tremendously as well as give us better quality prints to offer clients. The dilemma is, do I tell her I might have to move? I didn’t want to freak her out unless it was definite. We’ve told each other neither of us wants this job if the other isn’t here. She has so much drama already in her life, I don't want to add to it if I don't have to. What do you think?
I suggest keeping it under wraps for a little while longer.
Getting the new printer will allow someone less skilled than you to still do a credible job. Plus, as lovely as you are, I'm sure there are other wonderful and interesting designers out there looking for a job.
Is there a date by which you will know one way or another whether you will move?
As an employee you have no obligation to tell her early, as a friend you do. Perhaps just wait to be as close as possible to any sort of deadline to minimize stress.
By the way, I've noticed that my comments are a lot less sweet than your friends and fellow bloggers. I hope you are taking it (or leaving it) in love.
I agree. It isn't time to tell her yet, even though she is making some out of the box decisions lately. And the Lord's provision is there for the whole picture, right? That includes smoothing the way for you to leave there if necessary.
OTRgirl --
It's best always to assume that the person you don't want to read your blog will read your blog -- i.e. Boss One.
So, in a sense, you have already told her about your pending decision to leave Baltimore.
It's better that she should hear it from you in person than from your blog.
Also, it sounds like she's maturing -- she had the guts to fire her husband. She probably has the guts now to live with some more uncertainty -- the possibility of your leaving.
She needs to know because (1) she needs as much info as possible about her business in order to make sound decisions, (2) she all the time she can get to adjust emotionally to losing you, and (3) in planning for a possible replacement.
Recommendation: Pray about when and how to
tell her.
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