The counter arguments: "You go away on lots of trips, and God Forbid I have to pick up any dog poop." Also, "given the cyclical nature of the requests, I don't think you really want a dog and if we ever have a kid, you might ignore the dog."
When he was scheduled to go to New Orleans with a Hopkins team (cancelled thanks to some FEMA mismanagment), I took advantage, "Honey, you'll be gone for two weeks, can I get a dog?" He caved (Thank YOU, dear!!).
Eighty-five percent of the time he's glad to have her. (The other 15 percent is due to Muttola's hatred of the TV. Anytime we try to watch, she pulls at our clothes, tears up the room, and has a hissy fit. If we sit upstairs and read, she's fine. Good dog! My other unsuccessful campaign has been to eradicate the TV...) I love the grin he gets when he watches her doing something goofy.
Skip to my side of the family and the Christmas plans. Add in a husband who works 7 days a week doing cancer/mouse research. Who can't leave his experiments 'cause taking a couple days off means ending all experiments (which take 2 months to get going) and then starting over when he returns. Mix in a sister in Seattle with a 6 month old baby, a retired father who loves going to Seattle, and a brother who lives there as well. Christmas in Seattle, right?!
"This is what I told you would happen when we got the dog. You have to take responsibilities seriously, you can't just go galivanting around the country and leave me to put her in a crate all day."
Which leads to the embarrassing part of the story.
I'm looking into doggie day care.
I'm listening to earnest owners discuss the merits of their establishments, "we aren't a warehouse for dogs, we have a 1/7 ratio and pay our workers over $7 an hour, we have webcams set up so you can check how your dog is doing, and we only accept certain dogs. Your dog is lovely, I can see that she would be no problem." (Muttola was bored enough to just sit on the lady's foot. I didn't want to tell of her transformation when thrust into a room full of soft toys to destroy in 5 minutes or less.)
I'm new to this dog-parent business, but last time I checked, she IS just a dog. Yeah, I love her and enjoy her, but webcams? Some of these people are crazy about their pets. My big fear is when I irrevocably cross the line and join them. Yes I'm looking into an agility class, but only cause we're both bored with the sit/stay/good girl deal. I don't feed her human food, she's not allowed on any furniture, and a folded up blanket is just fine for her bed (am I protesting too much?).
Tonight we're supposed to discuss the issue. It's a classic ploy, but I'll try making him a great dinner first!
If labrador + poodle = labradoodle, and cocker spaniel + poodle = cockapoo, what is whippet + shepherd? A Whipperd? A Shephet? (Is this the part where I've crossed the line and joined the crazy pet owners?)

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